ORION STAR Robotics at the Netherlands International Hotel & Restaurant Show

ORION STAR Robotics at the Netherlands International Hotel & Restaurant Show

OrionStar's AI delivery robot Lucki and AI Robot Greeting Mini traveled to Europe to show the strength of AI service robots to exhibitors.

2022-10-19 17:51
ORION STAR Lucki Landed Around the World

ORION STAR Lucki Landed Around the World

The Lucki restaurant service robot is one of the robots deployed to countries and regions all across the global.

2022-07-22 18:49
Improving Efficiency for Enterprises and Satisfying Customers, ORION STAR Eases the Workforce Crunch of the Service Industry

Improving Efficiency for Enterprises and Satisfying Customers, ORION STAR Eases the Workforce Crunch of the Service Industry

2022-01-18 17:52
OrionStar Coffee Robot Landed Over 100 Venues

OrionStar Coffee Robot Landed Over 100 Venues

Coffee Master has a mechanical arm collision detection mechanism, an electronic security boundary setting, a high-prec...

2021-04-16 16:36